
Keyword Analysis

✓ in-depth analysis of all keywords and search phrases that bring visitors to your website.
✓ detailed explanation and recommendation on how to use these keywords.
✓ support and consultation for the improvement of content and meta tags.

Our Keyword Analysis includes

Key phrases

We use different marketing tools and also analyze your competitors to find all types of keywords (short- and long-tail keywords, synonyms, thematically related keywords). This way we can provide you with a broad range of keywords and also hidden keywords that your competitors might miss out on.


We sort the keywords and search phrases into logical groups and segments based on the search intent. From these segments we determine relevant landing pages for your website.

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We assign basic metrics to all keywords such as search volume, average CPC or competitiveness of the phrases, etc. Our Keyword Analysis also includes a verification of the website visibility on the given phrases.


Based on the keyword research, segmentation, and metric we give you concrete recommendations on the modification of your site structure, metadata, and textual content of your website.

Roman Teuschel

CEO of eVisions International

Results of a Localisation Analysis

  • Recommendations on how to better customize your website content and landing pages to drive more traffic and increase conversion rates.
  • Reach a higher return on investment (ROI) by spending more budget on successful keywords and eliminating wasteful spending on those that aren’t performing.
  • Knowledge of keyword search volume will provide deeper insights into market behavior. You can apply this to multiple aspects of your business.
  • The insights from a Keyword Analysis can be used as a starting point for successful SEO and PPC campaings. They will also show you which type of marketing activity will be most appropriate for your specific online business.

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