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Visiting the BrightonSEO conference

Brighton 2022

Accessible content

For many people, the highest quality content has no added value if it is not designed to be accessible. Fortunately, there are simple aids and tools that can make a website accessible and even increase SEO performance. 

Helpful measures include:

Simple language: Check texts with the online checker for simple language. It evaluates texts and gives hints to improve the text.

Figure 1: Text before the online checker

Figure 2: Text after the online checker

Alternative text (alt tag): An alternative text can be used to describe images and graphics so that people with a visual impairment know what is on the graphic. Meanwhile, this function is also available for social media platforms. It is important that the description is short and precise. 

Subtitles: For video or audio formats, subtitles and an alternative text are important and helpful. 


Artificial intelligence is also being used more and more in the SEO sector. There are already various programmes for the German market that can deliver high-quality content. 

These tools can be used, for example, for:

These tools can help when a lot of text needs to be created, even if you get stuck in writer’s block, artificial intelligence can provide relief. Of course, such a tool does not do all the work. A well-conducted keyword research must still be carried out.


International” is a particularly important topic for us. Of course, we already have extensive know-how, but as soon as the opportunity arises to learn something new, we are always motivated. If content is to be created for different markets, it must first be localized – of course. But what is the best process and which people are involved? It depends on the demands on the content. If it is very general, there is no need for experts to translate and adapt the original articles. However, there are very specific topics for which it is necessary to find the right contact persons. Then there is the coordination and review of the content. Even if the cooperation partners are trustworthy, no one wants to blindly provide their customers with texts in other languages that they themselves do not understand. 

You should follow a precise pattern.

  1. Early involvement – A detailed briefing on content + framework conditions. 
  2. Client specific guidance – What does the client want to achieve? Which target group and for what reason?
  3. Best practice examples – What can the cooperation partner use as a guideline?

In summary, it can be said that intensive communication with copywriters is a priority in order to achieve a satisfactory result in the end.